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Now the roof

.. its lotsa of layers now, if you want to can you do the roof and decoration in new image. When you done merge the layers, and drag the layer into the original image ..
a plus sign (+) appears next to the cursor and you get a copy of the layer.

imageMake a triangle, or use mine.
Create a new layer called tri1,
select shapes Presets Shapes - tool, and draw a triangle.
Duplicate the layer and rename it tri2 ..

Selection - Modify - Contract 10,
Select the  selection selection-tool, while holding the Shift key, select the lower edge
choose Edit - Cut
Select  magic_wand   Magic wand tool. click the emty area
choose Selection - Invert.
Effects - 3D Effects - InnerBevel, select presets Frame and change "depth" to 1 ,
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow , V: 2 , H: 2 Opacity: 50 , Blur: 5 .

Back to the first layer , tri1. Select the triangle and fill it with any color you like,
I used white .. and used PaintEngine again, with the same settings.

imageCreate a new image, 400 x 100, for decoration .
First the lower edge with smal triangles.
( Zoom up the image .. zoom )
Use the   shapes Presets Shapes - tool,
draw a white triangle.
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel ,
with same settings ..

Edit - copy, Edit - Paste - As new Selection , move into place ..
.. repeat to desired length .. when done choose;
Layers - Merge - Merge All, and drag the layer into the original image ..

imageFor this one, I used a Dingbat,
use someone you like .
this one is called Printers Ornaments One the letter "Q"


Keep on decorate, and tube ... ; )
I used wood background

Image - Resize - Percentage of Original, 50%
Save your work ..
Want to see what my testers made ?

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© Tina Mårtensson