Face Create a new image, 500x500, I like some "workroom". Create a new layer namned face, face color #FFE1D3 cheek color #E08E90 . *notice* (my layerpalette ansikte=face, kind=cheek, ögon=eye, mun=mouth) Use the Preset Shape tool, and make a circle for the face ( ca 80 x 90 ) Ellipse, Antialias checked, Foreground color Null and Background color #FFE1D3. Select the face, use the selection tool, Rectangle, Feather 0 and Antialias not checked. Make the selection outside the head, click in the selection (not the head) then you get the head selected. Choose Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout, Fill Interior whit color not checked, Interior color white and Shadow color a little bit darker then the check color, use the settings 3, 1, 60, 40. Choose Effects - Noise - Add, 3 % unifoem. Cheeks, Create a new layer, namned cheeks, change to the cheek color. Use the Paint Brush tool, size 20, apply the cheeks, add a new layer and make the another cheek .. Then add some blur, Effects - Blur - Gaussian Blur, 7. (apply the gaussin blur to both layers.. ) The eyes and mouth .. I make them on separate layers whit the tool .. it just needs a little move or twist to go on another face .. then it's easy to change in the end ... It becomes a lots of layers, and you can put together the if you want to. I dont, becuse, to move a eye a little, or to move the mouth a little, can man get a entirely new expression ~*~*~*~*~
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Cap Create a new layer. Use the Preset Shapes tool and make a red circle, same settings, Create as Vector checked. Make sure to have Tool Option Paletten open and dont be afraid when the red color disappears, it will be back ... Select the Vector Objekt Selection tool . and then NoteEdit. When you edit your"vectorimage" it will be small squares in the selection. - To quit NoteEdit, rightclick and choose Quit Note Editing,Ctrl + Q. Move the mouse over and you see;
If you
dont want to make it with vector graphics ..
Body Highlight Layer1 and create a new layer, (under the head layer). Make a large red filled circle with the Preset Shapes tool, use the same settings .. Select the body, like you did before whit the head, and choose Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout, Fill Interior with color unchecked, Interior color white and Shadow color black, 4, 2, 40, 60.
Beard To make a beard, work with vector the same way you did with the cap, or with the selection tool. This is my beard... the hole in the middle is for the face .. but maybe your beard looks different ..
to make the beard
look mor "fluffy".. Use the Retouch - tool, whit thesse settings, if you want, work with a copy of the layerr and remember to save often .. it could be a lot of changes ... I think this is a fun part .. it can take some time, before you get pleades. Or use Plugins KPT 5.0 - Fiber Optix.. MAke the tuft the same way... and maybe you make hands and feets ? and a scarf... Good luck