
Using the plugin Simple Filters - Diamond
you can create gorgeous seamless backgrounds..
Download the plugin and put it in your Plugins folder..
Dont you have one ... create one ...

Use it as a background on web-page whit a table
here you can see some samples
( the pages is only in Swedish but you can use the html-code )

image 1
Begin to decide which colors you want to use..
I used ,
a dark SteelBlue #4682B4
and en  light, #FDFEEC

Create a new image 50 x 50
if you want, you can invert the colors, light against dark background..
I will make one with dark background...

image 2Choose the  Flood fill Flood Fill tool and fill
with the light color  , 
Choose the airbrush Airbrush tool.
Using the Tool Option Palett ,
press the "Brush Types tool and choose Custom.
There are so many nice brushes .. but I will use the sphere,
select your choice the and click OK. .
In Tools Option changes the size to 51..

image 4Look at the Status bar  ..  image 3
and make sure you're in middle of the image
Click once

image 5Chose 
Effects - Plugin Filters - Simple - Diamond


Now you have you a nice seamles background ! easy, wasn't it ..
And there are so many brush to use..  and you can also do yor own....
Want to see more examples ? Click here to get the html-code  Seamless....

Proud member...



© Tina Mårtensson