download and unzip the zipfile.

The file contains the image saved as
psp file and that bmp file..
open one of them in PsP ..

Then you need to open some
pattern/tiles images .. like this ..

(I found some of these tiles/pattern at RainbowRowGarphics)

The "Patchwork" image is 150x100 pixlar.
Create a new image, based on the "Patchwork" image, the size of your image can be ex 150x100, 150x200, 150x300, 300x100, 300x200, 300x300 and so on ...
I created a image 300x300

Select the Flood Fill tool,

the background set on "Null" and foreground Pattern under Styles,

and find the Patchwork pattern you download and opened.

Back to your new image,
select the Flood Fill tool and fill your image.

And your image will be filled with Hexagons ...

Change the pattern, to which you want to,
any of the pattern/tiles images you opened ..
(the ones I used you can se on the background)

Select the Magic Wand tool  
and click in some field in your image...

By holding Shift button you can select several.. ..

 * * *
And if you select a area at the edge ..
must you click in the same area on opposite side.
 * * *
I selected three places,

Fill with pattern ...  
two at the edge and one in the middle,

change pattern again...

and select som new areas,

and fill with pattern pattern ... 

repeat untill you filled your whole image..

When your image is filled .. save your image ..
( before I saved my image,
  I resized my image 50% )

And with a pink background ..

           Hope you enjoyed my tutorial !

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© Tina Mårtensson 2003


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I found some tiles